Jun 27, 2024

MediSieve’s Study Published in Nature Scientific Reports

MediSieve's preclinical and first-in-human safety study on the Magnetic Blood Filtration gets published in Nature Scientific Reports.

LONDON, 26 June 2024 – MediSieve, an innovative biotech company, proudly announces that its collaborative study with Radboud University Medical Center has been published in Nature Scientific Reports. The study investigated the safety of the MediSieve Magnetic Blood Filtration, yielding positive results and demonstrating the platform’s potential for a range of clinical applications.

The study enrolled 11 adults, of which 8 completed the study. The main inclusion criteria were healthy adults, 1:1 female-to-male ratio, and aged 18-50 years. The study met all primary and secondary endpoints, with all results indicating that the system used in the trial is safe and well tolerated. No serious adverse events were reported, and no difference was observed between genders.

The publication marks a significant milestone for MediSieve. Earlier this year, Nicole Waalders, a collaborator from Radboud University Medical Center, received an award for the best abstract presentation of this study at the Dutch Anaesthesiology Association Science Day, highlighting the industry’s recognition of this groundbreaking work.

"We are immensely proud of this achievement and grateful to our team and collaborators for their dedication," said Dr Cristina Blanco-Andujar, CTO of MediSieve. "This study is a crucial step towards realising the full clinical and commercial potential of our Magnetic Blood Filtration."

About Magnetic Blood Filtration

MediSieve's Magnetic Blood Filtration is intended to enable the rapid and specific depletion of specific agents from the bloodstream of patients. The extracorporeal therapy uses therapeutic Magnetic Beads that are designed to bind specifically to the clinical target. The Beads are introduced into the extracorporeal circuit during the therapy, mixing with the patient’s blood and binding to the clinical targets. The Capture System captures all the Magnetic Beads and bound targets, preventing their return to the patient.

About MediSieve

MediSieve is an innovative BioTech company based in the White City Innovation District of West London. A spin-off from University College London, MediSieve is dedicated to developing its Magnetic Blood Filtration technology, a transformative approach to physically removing or isolating substances from the bloodstream. The company continues to seek investment and partnerships to advance its technology for broader applications in healthcare.


Alina Kagermazova



George Frodsham


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